What Is Cryptosporidium?

Cryptosporidium is a species of cryptosporidia organism that can cause an intestinal and respiratory infection that primarily involves either a watery mucous diarrhea or a persistent cough in immunocompromised and immuno-compromised individuals. It has become a significant public health concern in the US and other western countries. In recent years, cryptosporidium has been implicated in …

Hormones and Aging

Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate or transmit information from one system or organ to another   In plants, hormones help determine when plants need to grow, reproduce, or die, while animals use hormones to control body functions like reproduction and growth.   Different hormones are released at different times in a person's life. Hormones …

Sex Orgasm and Ejaculation – Discover How To Increase Or Decrease Your Ejaculation Rate

When one considers the term "sexual intercourse," it's usually associated with sex that involves penetration of the vagina to allow penetration of a man's penis to reach the uterus and fallopian tubes for pregnancy. However, the act of "sexual intercourse" can mean so much more than this. It may be used to refer to oral …

Foot Disorders

Metatarsal pain is a common complaint amongst athletes in sports and recreation alike.   Metatarsus is an extremely painful disorder which affects the big toe joint   Metatarsal pain is caused by high-pressure and over-stretching of metatarsal bones. It may also be caused by arthritis or injury, such as bending or sudden heavy impact. Treatment …