What is ALS? Find Out What It is and How Can You Treat it

  What is ALS? ALS is an incurable disorder, so it progresses slowly over time. It mainly affects the nerve roots of your brain and spinal cord, which control your upper muscles. As your upper muscles get weaker, it becomes increasingly difficult for you to move, speak, eat, breathe and walk.   ALS is also …

Celiac Disease Symptoms

Celiac disease, also known as gluten-sensitive enteropathies, is a digestive reaction to eating certain types of gluten.   If you suffer from celiac, gluten causes an autoimmune reaction in the small intestine   Over time, this immune reaction destroys the small intestine's outer layer and prevents it from getting all the nutrients it needs. Over …

Natural Treatments For Seizure Symptoms

A seizure is an abnormally rapid burst of electrical activity (called neurons or nerve fibers) between brain cells (neurons or nerve cells) which results in abnormal sensations (swelling, tingling or numbness) or changes in behavior (sparked by fear, excitement or irritability). Seizures are normally not all the same. The causes of seizures can be from …

What Are the Symptoms and Causes of Diverticulosis?

Diverticula is a disorder where there are small pockets or sacs inside the colon or wall of any part of the large intestine   These pockets normally occur when the intestinal wall becomes obstructed due to several factors such as diarrhea or when eating too much spicy food. Some even develop because of obesity and …

What Causes Cancer

Knowing what causes cancer is very important because the sooner one takes the necessary steps to prevent and to cure it, the better chances one has of being able to live a full and happy life. But unfortunately, knowing what causes cancer isn't always so easy. There is no single, one-size-fits-all answer that works for …