A herpes on lip can be painful, but not always, so there are things that you can do to get rid of the symptoms
If you don't have a blister or sores in your lip and you don't have any of the other herpes symptoms, then you may be able to deal with the herpes on lip symptoms yourself, or at least know what to expect if you take a course of antibiotics for it.
There is no cure for herpes on lip, but there are treatments that can be used to relieve some of the pain and discomfort. The pain of herpes on lip can be a lot worse than just a sore or blisters, and there can be redness and swelling that are associated with it. There are medications and oral creams that will relieve some of the discomfort, so you should make sure to take one of those first, even if you don't think you'll need one for herpes on lip.
Once you find out that you have herpes on lip, you need to get treatment right away to avoid spreading the disease to other areas. You'll want to treat it in the early stages to get the best possible results. In some cases, the sores and blisters will go away on their own, while in other cases, they will only start to get worse, so you want to treat them early to help with the healing process. You'll want to use some type of medication on your lips, preferably an over the counter treatment. This is something that you don't have to worry about if you have the symptoms because of herpes on lip, so it's important to make sure you take care of yourself and keep them from coming back by using an over the counter treatment when you see signs that something is wrong.
You'll also want to keep your mouth clean for as long as possible after contracting herpes on lip. You can use an anti-bacterial mouthwash to help eliminate any sore and soreness from herpes on lip. Your doctor can give you some of this for free, but you'll want to find a brand that you like and stick with it. Try to only use this on a regular basis, though, so that you don't end up getting sick of it and going back to the store for more. It's important to keep your mouth healthy as you heal, so don't go back and forth between these products too often.

The next step you need to take to treat herpes on the lips is to eat a balanced diet and get enough rest. It is very difficult to live with herpes on the lip, so you should avoid unprotected sex at all costs because it makes the condition worse. If your partner has cold sores, you should try to protect him with some kind of barrier between you and him so that he does not suffer from herpes on the lip as well.
One of the best ways to relieve pain and discomfort is to take a cold bath. Many people use them with great success, and there are several different brands that you can use for your bathing. When you take a cold bath, you should always keep the area around your lips moist, but you can also dampen a cloth under the tap and then leave it on for a few minutes to soften the skin, then rinse. This is a good way to keep your skin dry so that cold sores don't linger on your lip.
Another remedy that can help with discomfort is vitamin E oil. It is an excellent pain reliever that many people find to be very effective, and is much cheaper than any medication. Vitamin E relieves pain, so be sure to apply it externally to the affected area. if you have painful areas of skin where cold sores have started to appear on the lip, it can be applied after you have applied antibiotics. to ease the pain a little.
There are other natural cold sore treatments that can help with the pain and discomfort associated with lip cold sores. You can find many more or at your local pharmacy or drugstore. Always talk to your doctor first about the options available to you so you know which ones are right for you and which ones will make your condition worse.