Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) is an emotional, mental, and physical condition experienced by individuals who are experiencing problems with their bodies. Somatic Symptom Disorder (SSD) includes a person with a predominant focus on physical conditions, including shortness of breath, pain, or fatigue, which results in significant physical distress and/or chronic problems with functioning. The person may have excessive feelings, thoughts and behaviors related to the physical conditions.
A person with the condition may feel pain in various parts of the body, as well as experience numbness or tingling sensations
Somatic symptom disorder is not a disease, but rather is a behavioral disorder that is caused by the persistent stress associated with physical manifestations. An individual may have many physical ailments, but they may also develop symptoms relating to their mental health and emotional health. It may occur as the result of many different factors. The patient may suffer from depression and anxiety as a result of the emotional stress of their problems. Others may be suffering from physical ailments, but their symptoms are related to feelings of pain or fatigue.
When a person is experiencing the symptoms of SSD, they need to seek help from a professional who is trained to treat both mental and physical issues. While there may be many reasons why a person is experiencing these problems, they should be seen by a medical professional in order to receive treatment for their condition. They can determine the cause of the symptoms and then decide what treatments will be best for the individual.
Serious health conditions that are causing the symptoms of the disorder include cancer, heart disease, diabetes and arthritis. These health conditions can interfere with the patient's ability to function at their optimal level. In addition, patients suffering from SSD may be suffering from a debilitating medical illness or be in the middle of a painful medical procedure. For this reason, it is important to see a doctor and seek medical attention if you think that you may have symptoms of this condition.
Symptoms can come in many forms. While there may be only mild discomfort or pain associated with symptoms of SSD, they can become more severe. When these symptoms are not properly diagnosed and treated, it could result in a serious health concern. This is why it is important to seek help from a professional whenever you feel that you may have symptoms that are related to your SSD.
When dealing with symptoms of somatic symptom, the first step in treating the condition is to determine the underlying cause of the problem. Some of the symptoms of SSD include pain and feelings of discomfort or disorientation. The patient may have difficulty sleeping, or have trouble concentrating. The symptoms may cause fatigue, pain when moving the joint. Symptoms may also include dizziness, difficulty swallowing and pain or burning when urinating.
The next step in the process of treatment is to determine what type of treatment is best for the patient
If a patient has a diagnosis of SSD, they may be prescribed medication. Medications may include pain relievers, anti-anxiety medications, or muscle relaxants. In some cases, therapy may be needed. In addition, a psychologist, therapist or psychiatrist may be recommended for psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.
If you or someone you know may be suffering from any type of physical symptom related to your symptoms, it is important to speak to a qualified professional about treatment options. Your doctor can help you find a treatment that is right for your specific case and is able to provide relief from symptoms of somatic symptom disorder.