A seizure is an abnormally rapid burst of electrical activity (called neurons or nerve fibers) between brain cells (neurons or nerve cells) which results in abnormal sensations (swelling, tingling or numbness) or changes in behavior (sparked by fear, excitement or irritability). Seizures are normally not all the same. The causes of seizures can be from many different sources such as brain tumor, hypoxia, damage to the nervous system, injury to the cerebrospinal fluid or abnormal growth.
A seizure can also be caused by an emotional stress or from a medical condition such as diabetes
Seizure symptoms include the following: eye twitch; nausea; vomiting; difficulty breathing; increased heart rate; chest pain or pressure; feelings of numbness or tingling; trembling or shaking; uncontrollable shaking; fainting; or unconsciousness. While seizures can affect individuals in many ways they are usually caused by one or more of these symptoms. Some children will be more likely to develop a seizure disorder than others. However, in most cases when children have seizures, their symptoms can be managed and many times eliminated.
When children have seizures they must be evaluated by a doctor for a physical examination, laboratory tests, and other diagnostic procedures. The doctor will ask questions regarding what occurred during the seizure. The doctor will also look at any medical histories and perform a physical exam. It may be difficult to determine if a child has epilepsy when seizures are not accompanied by any medical signs or symptoms.
When seizures occur in children with normal blood glucose levels they do not have serious complications but when seizures cause complications, they become life threatening. The risk of death from seizures is much greater when a child has seizures more than three or four times a year. Children who have a pattern of frequent seizures may have an underlying risk for neurodevelopmental disorders. A history of seizures in a family should be considered in these cases.

Seizures are usually treated with anti-seizure drugs such as benzodiazepines and antidepressants
However, there are some children whose seizures do not respond well to these drugs and natural treatments may be more effective. These natural treatments include acupuncture, acupressure and homeopathy.
Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of medicine that involves a person being able to pinpoint points on the body to treat specific problems or to help the body heal itself. Acupuncture has been used as a treatment for epilepsy since ancient times and is still used today for the same purposes. Acupuncture needles are inserted through small holes in the skin. and used to stimulate the acupuncture points on the body in order to relieve pain and improve circulation. The body's natural healing properties are used to treat the root causes of the problem by increasing the body's natural ability to heal itself.
There are some herbs and natural teas available that help to relieve the pain associated with seizures and increase the effectiveness of anti-seizure drugs. They are used to provide relief for both adults and children who suffer from seizures. Herbs such as Ephedra and St. John's Wort are often combined in a tea to help control seizures. Another option to help treat seizures is chamomile and lavender which have been used for hundreds of years to treat epilepsy. The herb Valerian also has been used for many years to treat this problem. These herbal teas can be taken in capsule form, as tea, or can be mixed with water and taken as a tea.
Natural supplements have been used to treat seizures for many years but the side effects of these natural supplements are far less dangerous than those of prescription drugs that can cause severe side effects. The supplements do not contain any of the artificial stimulants that are common in medications for epilepsy, which can cause withdrawal symptoms that can lead to depression and other serious conditions. Many of the natural supplements used to treat seizures and help control seizures can be obtained without a doctor's prescription. Some supplements contain no added vitamins or minerals and are considered complete proteins that are safe for the body.