What Are Small Pox Symptoms?

Smallpox affects over 25 million people in the United States


It can cause severe symptoms, like difficulty breathing and a fever that may be as high as 101 degrees Fahrenheit. While it is treatable, there are several factors that make it much easier to have a flare up than it would be with a more severe case.


Varioles include both varicella and shingles. Varicella is a very contagious virus that can be transmitted by contact with an infected person. Variola minor has a much lower case rate, which makes it much less contagious, but it can still be transmitted through skin to skin contact or through saliva.


The two different types of small pox are classified into two groups according to their seriousness. Varicella is a more common form of the disease that is easily contracted by being around an infected person. Varioles include shingles and are much less common. Although this virus can cause some of the same symptoms as shingles, it does not cause them to be as intense and often can go away on their own without treatment.


The main difference between these two types of the disease is where and how they spread. With shingles, they can spread from one person to another through the air like a rash. With varicella, they spread by skin-to-skin contact or from an infected person to an uninfected person who then touches the infected person.


If you have had shingles or had a recent exposure to someone who has had a recent bout with varicella, it is important that you get tested for small pox. However, don't forget that smallpox is extremely contagious. You can infect any part of your body, including your face, your mouth, and even the tip of your nose. So while it is highly unlikely to ever get a smallpox case, you still need to practice personal safety precautions when walking outdoors in areas that are used heavily by humans. Also, wear protective clothing and always wash and dry thoroughly after contact with others.


A flare up from small pox can often times leave a person with a rash that looks similar to shingles, but it can also look like a chicken pox rash.


Be aware that these rashes may turn into a full blown case of shingles within days


Pox flare ups usually last about a week or so and generally don't require medication. They may have a bit more of an effect on the immune system, but there is no guarantee that the body will completely rid itself of the virus, so you need to continue treatment. The most important thing to do is to keep yourself healthy and hydrated and stay as hydrated as possible.


Once you have had a small pox, you should always see your doctor for a checkup to make sure that the disease is under control. Make sure you see your doctor regularly to make sure the condition doesn't get worse. If it does get worse and you need more prescription medications, be sure to discuss it with your doctor right away to avoid any complications.


Symptoms of smallpox include fever, chills, and muscle aches. Other symptoms may include swollen glands in the ears, body aches, and nausea. Some people experience a cough during a small pox but this is uncommon.


When the disease flares up, especially if you haven't had one for several months, you can apply a cold compress to the area of your body that is swollen. This can help to decrease the swelling. Keep the cold compress on for at least ten minutes.


You should never use ice to compress your swelling. Even though it may seem like it will help, it can actually worsen the condition. Your doctor will tell you if the ice is safe for you to apply. If so, you need to stop and apply a cold compress for about 30 minutes each time until your swelling is gone.

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